• Sulle ali della fantasia, ogni libro apre i confini della mente, per rendere infiniti i paesaggi del mondo interiore...
  • Non sentite anche voi diffondersi un delicato ed irresistibile profumo di libri?
  • Mani che creano veloci, occhi che cercano colori e ricordi, desideri antichi di inventare nuove forme: la Bellezza che l'anima rincorre!

Home - English

Welcome in "Nel Castello di Carta"! ^

The site to browse like a book...

From the experience of twenty years with my bookshop "Nel Castello di Carta" (In the Castle of paper) and in view of the profound changes that our times bring us to face, this virtual space is reborn, renewed in the graphic aspect, but still characterized by what inspired me in many years.

By remaining faithful to the ideals and passions that have motivated and sustained me for a long time, I now expand the boundaries of this that was my "physical" library on the Web.

"Nel Castello di Carta" enters the network, transforms to spread even more his intent, his messages.

"Nel Castello di Carta" becomes incorporeal but still, ideally, remains a space in which to develop the multiple aspects of the knowledge, curiosity, the desire to improve, the human need to share

"Nel Castello di Carta" there will also be a Blog, the perfect space in which to grow together with the "friends" the yearning forù freedom thought, the desire for creativity, the ambition to grow.

And then there will be books, stories and biographies of authors, reflections and insights, events, curiosity, famous quotes or pearls of wisdom, astrology, ... etc...

... and books for financial freedom, personal growth, motivation and spirituality; books for children and dyslexia; school books.
Cover books "Coversystem Colibri", prestigious pens and organizers.
Arts and Crafts from my production: Greeting Cards, notebooks, photo albums, gifts, paintings and drawings allegorical masks, necklaces, ... and much more!
A site to browse, with curiosity and passion, the same emotions with which it was created and with which it will come continuously renewed and updated!

Good Life to All from Paola!

If You want to buy the products on the site, I suggest you first read the terms and conditions page

Culture in the Castle

Like the splendid construction of Castel del Monte, built by Emperor Frederick II of Sweden, was a melting pot of cultural activities, I imaginedà my Castle of Paper as an ideal place to spread and share the culture of change, growth and freedom of thought!
Someone thought that paper was not a suitable material for the construction of a castle, considering this material as fragile and of little value.
I think, instead, that paper is a noble product of Nature, not only because it is obtained from trees (living beings of great generosity), but also because the card, with strength, flexibility, ductility together, has always been a humble travel companion for women and men who love knowledge and sharing of the same ...
It accompanies us from an early age, with the first books of fairy tales, the first "doodles", the homework on the notebooks, the drawings on the white sheets, the letters of love, diplomas and degrees obtained in the scholastic career ...
And then it offers a thousand transformations, giving life, together with our creativity to new expressive possibilities.
Without the card, with its precious contribution, we would all be a little poorer ...

Latest updates

2 Giugno 2020


Let's start with the blog!

Ciao Anime Belle!!!

Today is June 2, 2020, the Italian Republic's anniversary, and today the "things I like" will become "res publica" through my blog.
Allow me to give me, alone, best wishes for this new adventure that I am going to face.
Good luck to me, the blog and my future visitors !!!
Happy travels to all of us !!!
Come and visit me and encourage me with your preciousPermettetemi che mi faccia, da sola, tanti auguri per questa nuova avventura che vado ad affrontare.
LIKE! Thanks!

Clicca qui per visitare il Blog

Have fun by... Paola Burzio! ^

17 febbraio 2020


Ciao a Tutti da Paola!

Also this year I had fun preparing a calendar with the most significant images among the photos taken during the year just finished and matching them with phrases by famous writers.
This is my wish for a peaceful 2020 for everyone!

Il Calendario 2020 è scaricabile in pdf cliccando QUI

Se vuoi vedere gli altri "Calendari di Paola
clicca QUI

gennaio 2019


Ciao a Tutti!

Also this year I had fun preparing a calendar with the most significant images among the photos taken during the year just finished and matching them with phrases by famous writers.
This is my wish for a peaceful 2019 for everyone!

Il Calendario 2019 can be downloaded in pdf by clicking Here

gennaio 2017


Dear Customer,
I am Paola Burzio and I communicate that the bookstore "Nel Castello di carta" has definitively closed its headquarters in Via Gioberti 61.

Accounts remain active Facebook , Paola Burzio e Paola "Castello" , the website www.nelcastellodicarta.it with her arthouse e-commerce in the sections Books and Handicraft and artistic products , its pages of cultural insights and the new blog, which will soon be full of news, information, reflections on what has always been dear to me: the spread of culture, creativity, innovations.

I still have a gift for you. This is the Calendar 2017 that I wanted to create with photographs from me taken, to which I attached phrases of famous authors.
A small memory for you and a personal thank you from me for granting me your trust in these long and unforgettable 29 years of trade.
With affection and gratitude,
Paola Burzio